My heading is getting more and more boring these days.
Whatever happened to the writor-wannabe?
Aren't we taught to have captivating titles to lure the readers?! Well, sometimes this doesn't apply.
Afterall, my members told me "Evening" sounds like an awesome movie. I mean, " Huh? I beg your pardon??" It sounds more like a flat and slow moving show.
I truly need a shoulder to SLEEP on (not lean on) if I do watch it.
Anyway, the KS leaders went out with Pastor Ken for fellowship today.It was extremely precious as he is seldom in town.We didn't just exchange about growth and more growth, but we shared about our lives and plans.
Pastor brought us to an Indonesian Restaurant and as usual,he paid for the meal.I hope to work towards a person like him who is always generous with his money, time and grace.
We celebrated Rong's birthday and went to SKIN impromptu so that Rong can choose the jeans she "coveted".Haha.Pastor paid for the outstanding (Wah...).
We went Coffeebean for some drinks (how many children can we sponsor to school?Hmm...).
We parted goodbye from there.JK and Rong dropped by my place before the next birthday celebration at Seattlers.
It warms my heart to have friends helping me to fix up the Tian An Men Jigsaw Puzzle.It might not be exactly what they liked to do to pass time but they offered to help.A simple act means much to me. Likened to a vision supported by fellow workers.
Radio JK and traumatized Rong! Big thanks :)
Of cos, we left for Seattlers shortly to join the rest. We were screaming in every round of games.
Fun, FUn, FUN!!!
Rong has a FCUK perfume while Mingli has a Addidas watch.Hope they like the thoughts!!!
Also also, Wenxing came and he looks good- with a vision to work towards.
So I need at least 20k leh.
Pastor Ken told me to find a "golden mountain" but still, I hope to depend on myself.I really do not want to factor financial wealth in as a key priority when looking for a boyfriend.
VIC wasn't that rich when my sister married him. NOTE: wasnt. Meaning,now is.Hahaha....
Although the night wasn't all pleasant, I'm glad things are cleared.
I will defend my friends in public but I will rebuke them privately when truly they are at fault.
Because others may see only their bad but closer ones have seen their good and bad. That puts the latter at a better position to correct.
So Lamb Lamb and Xuan should have more private time with me.
And I might end up being slaughtered by their "tongues".
That's how we are sharpened :)
Looking forward to Tuesday not for the "big hi" but according to SS and Mel, Pastor YK has much to share---shipped from Korea.
I will stop comparing the 2 leaders and start treasuring the one whom I have currently.
He, has made THE difference.
And because of how he laid down his life for his pastor's vision, I will lay down mine for his vision.
Today's entry seems a little scattered.Its an eventful sunday!
I mentioned to Pastor Ken about my silly crush.
In fact, all the leaders were around.
Aiya, I'm 27. What's there to hide regarding an infatuation in my early 20s?
Rong and SS looked so shocked when I told Pastor Ken.
I should have mentioned how crazy I was with Leon Lai.
Same callibre. Celebrity status.
Zero possiblity.