The many "unexpected"s
"Due to unforeseen circumstances..."
"Just when I was about to..."
"I actually wanted..."
"The original plan was..."
How familiar are the above in life?!?!
And very often, the unscrupulous salesperson-me, has used them with no restriction. I mean, I really have no control over the what-so-ever....sometimes!
How unexpected are the "unexpected"s?
Honestly speaking, if I were to do a self-reflection, those can be anticipated and avoided.
I hate to admit but, most of the unexpected happens when we take things for granted.
Health problem, Marriage crisis, Financial tsunami...We tend to blame it on the weather, a 3rd party, the economy or even...God!
Very convenient but we will never learn; we will not get better.
So, your pick! Get better by learning or get bitter by blaming.
Having said, err, there are really things beyond us lah *wink*
"Just when I was about to..."
"I actually wanted..."
"The original plan was..."
How familiar are the above in life?!?!
And very often, the unscrupulous salesperson-me, has used them with no restriction. I mean, I really have no control over the what-so-ever....sometimes!
How unexpected are the "unexpected"s?
Honestly speaking, if I were to do a self-reflection, those can be anticipated and avoided.
I hate to admit but, most of the unexpected happens when we take things for granted.
Health problem, Marriage crisis, Financial tsunami...We tend to blame it on the weather, a 3rd party, the economy or even...God!
Very convenient but we will never learn; we will not get better.
So, your pick! Get better by learning or get bitter by blaming.
Having said, err, there are really things beyond us lah *wink*