Shall pack them in this entry.
To: A man I won't even regard as an acquaintanceFirst impression counts, how true.
It seems that no matter what you do, what you have done and what you are about to do can disperse the dark layer of shadow I have towards you since hollywood.
Not that it matters to you but I feel so small now that you have achieved so much more.
As much as I like to confess that you prosper because I have been praying for my foe, I know, this is the furthest from the truth.
The moments I pointed my bony finger at your nose shall remain ancient from now.
You deserve my respect.
To: A singer, a writer, a dancer, a jet setterBye!
To: My buddies who are scratching heads on what to get on 6 September 2007I like whatever you real and you wish!
Here's a list of my wants and needs (not in any order)-
(1) Guitar
(2) Keyboard
(3) Bible
(4) White Smart-Casual Jacket
(5) LV Wallet
(6) Diamond Ring
(7) Laptop
(8) Forest (Laugh, Aloy!)
(9) A dinner at Dempsey Hill with my Forest (Laugh harder!!)
(10) A Kbox celebration
(11) A short break at Bintan Lagoon, alone.
(12) A healthy and happy Family
(13) Mission to NorthEast Asia
To: Those who are viewing my blogFor some unknown reason, I can't reply to any comments you have written.
Why huh?