
15 July marks my last day in the highly reputable security company.
There was a tinge of feelings blended in one.
Starting 28th July 2008 will begin another journey in my life
I know I sounded ridiculous- it's just a change of job afterall!
But there were significant moments when God showed Himself so true and how He seen me through in that building, that office, that place.
Times I wanted to give up, quit and go;
Times I wanted to forget I'm a Christian, scream, swear and curse;
Of cos, I didn't and He did, the miraculous.
From being reminded of the insults thrown across my face to being reminded of God's strength showering in my life whenever I see the one who hurt me- transformation of heart has truly taken place.
This is the place where I have undergone great character molding and I thank God for such a chance to reveal my weaknessess so that I can be changed and stop having the delusion that I have arrived.
When we sang Walau Seribu Rebah last night, I can't help but teared.
Not of sorrow but of joy;
Not of joy that I have left but joy that I have "graduated".
I believe there are greater challanges await me but I know (by experience) the same God who pulled me through will pull me through once again.
Although thousand collapses :)
congrats! :)
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