Thursday, April 16, 2009


Yanping- YAN as in swallow and PING as in apple.A name without any special meaning.I always envied my friends whose names unfold what their parents see or wish to see in them.
Jenny-a name given to me by my sister when I was younger(not that I am old now).I quite liked the name actually until...I realised it was so common.
Dawn-my baptism name. It is closely associated with a new beginning and a new hope.But most important of all,I wanted something related to Sun, the mighty woman!
Dongcai-All and no thanks to MK.Or was it Kelvin Lee?Anyway, it was a combination of my baptism name and my surname.
Yen-My middle name.And it means a strong desire.I started using the name since I started work.Dawn is not reflected in my NRIC and it will be so much easier to be known as Yen. And it also refers to currency!Money money money...
Mrs XYZ- coming soon:)


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