How Eventful!?!?
Every year, Easter period spells B-U-S-Y & F-R-U-I-T-F-U-L for the whole church.
Busy, because of the many outreaches and retention program; Fruitful, because of the results and the many souls saved.
2010 was no different except weighing a little heavier on the former.
The uninvited attention from the public and media has caused quite a storm.
I salute my Pastor for doing such a good job in the 7 services albeit the effort diverted to verify and clarity with the outsiders.
It hurts to see him cautious now, even towards us.
Not that he has lost his trust in man but after misinterpreted by some, nobody would want to risk the chances for more discords.
Being family, I see no need to deprive him an extra hour of rest on Sunday- he works harder for the church than all of us added together.
Yet he has to clear the air over one statement made. It pains me.
It doesn't bother me whether the NDA exists or not. It doesn't.
For those who does, how much of $310m are you contributing? Say.
Busy, because of the many outreaches and retention program; Fruitful, because of the results and the many souls saved.
2010 was no different except weighing a little heavier on the former.
The uninvited attention from the public and media has caused quite a storm.
I salute my Pastor for doing such a good job in the 7 services albeit the effort diverted to verify and clarity with the outsiders.
It hurts to see him cautious now, even towards us.
Not that he has lost his trust in man but after misinterpreted by some, nobody would want to risk the chances for more discords.
Being family, I see no need to deprive him an extra hour of rest on Sunday- he works harder for the church than all of us added together.
Yet he has to clear the air over one statement made. It pains me.
It doesn't bother me whether the NDA exists or not. It doesn't.
For those who does, how much of $310m are you contributing? Say.
wow that's so true. how much of $310m is contributed.... sigh. :)
It hurts to see him cautious now, even towards us. ....agreed.
yeah even though Pst has already been thru many times of such "offensive remarks", you can never get use to the pain...a fresh wound everytime...what hurts most is not external comments...but internal remarks...
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